i was born in flagstaff, arizona in january 1998. i lived in huntington beach, california, before moving to phoenix, arizona when i was 8.
i graduated from desert vista high school in 2016 and moved to portland, oregon to attend reed college for physics.
i switched majors by spring of my freshman year and began studying studio art with gerri ondrizek advising.
my practice is mainly focused on physical space, embodiment, sensory manipulation and experience, and my native heritage.
i am Hopi on my father's side - second mesa, sun forehead clan. my hopi name means "sun girl".
i work across a lot of mediums and don't truly have a formalized practice or ethos behind my work.
i make things that my mind won't let go of. the best word for my practice is "obsession".
attempting to put my thought process into words is best saved for my academic life, i think, but i'm always excited to talk about "art" and my art.
i listen to a lot of music and grew up in the punk/DIY/house show scenes of phoenix, eventually leaning into electronic music and noise.
i played violin for six years before switching to upright bass, playing in classical orchestras for nine of the last 11 years.
i am teaching myself how to play electric bass, and have always thought i'd be a phenomenal drummer.
lately, i've been really into country music.
i lived in chicago in 2019-2020 and plan on returning after i graduate from reed in may of 2021.
i am interested in coffee production, wine production and distribution, and "art" post-grad, whatever that looks like.
the best social media to find me on is my special fish, or instagram.
i am also active on rateyourmusic and usually always scrobbling to lastfm.